Hey this is brandon. I am setting this blog up for my mom. Here is just a sample of what she soaks in from God in everyday situations. I love you mom. Can't wait for you to meet Kaelyn Joy McCain-scheduled arrival July 23.
Wow, did I have an exciting weekend! I had two of my grandbabies...Carsyn and Luke. Carsyn has decided that I love Luke the best. I asked her, "Why do you think that?" She told me, "Because you play with him." I told her, "Carsyn, that is because Luke "requires" me to play with him...to keep up with him...to know exactly where he is at ALL times!"
It is so interesting to see how children relate to hard things. We had to be in the car quite a bit so I listened, literally non-stop to Carsyn chatter. Even Luke was totally amazed at this female who never stopped talking. I would look in the mirror and he was just staring at her, totally amazed...or in awe of the conversation...who can tell with a male just under two years of age.
We passed a cemetery. "That's where John is buried. Everytime you pass a cemetery, that's where John is buried." I explain to her that John is not really in that cemetery...he is with Jesus.
"That's right...cause Jesus was ready for John to come be with him...and that's why he had to go." I told her, "yes, and now John watches over your daddy, Stacey and Cade."
Then she said to me, "I don't know if that's the right thing to say though....'cause Jesus was ready for him to go'. I don't want Jesus to be ready for you to go Poops."
She had told her Grams, (Linda) "Grams I don't like you to have more birthdays...cause you and poops are just getting older and older. (No one lets us forget that!)
Then she told me, "I miss my daddy. He is sooooo cute!"
Here this child, five years old, has this burden in her heart...on her mind. And she is afraid. She doesn't have to say those words, "I am afraid" but with every sentence she speaks...she voices that fear.
As I listened to her, she told me, "Poops, I saw Jesus one time." Amber had told me about this conversation she had with Carsyn, but I'm telling you it was the sweetest most sincere conversation I have ever heard about the Lord.
"Where did you see Jesus, Carsyn?" "In my rocking chair at my 'nother' house."
"What was He doing?" "He was sitting in my rocking chair in my room."
Then with all sincerity, she began to describe Jesus. She said, "He has brown hair and its curly. And then he has this beard...but its not a really long beard....it's like this" And she puts her hands up to her chin and somewhat cups her chin to show me how long his beard is.
"And he has this white robe." "Why did Jesus come to your room Carsyn?" "He just wanted to rock in my chair. He likes to rock." She said, "I went and rocked with Him, but then I told Him, I gotta get in my bed cause my Momma and Daddy are gonna come in here and say to me, 'what are you doing out of that bed?"
There was nothing silly in this conversation. With all the sincerity and honestly of a child, she described her Jesus...
I have to tell you that my heart was envious of this divine encounter with the Lord and this sweet child, and I truly believe she will never forget it.
Then for the next 90 minutes she explained to me why there was barbed wire, why there were stickers, why there were bad people, why there were thorns, why mosquitoes bit people.... "Because Eve ate that apple."
Never in my life have I heard so many things caused by that apple-eating Eve. She told me, "I tell you what I would have done. I would have cut that tree down! And when I see God, I'm gonna ask Him WHY DID SHE EAT THAT APPLE?"
Oh my goodness....you have to keep a straight face because she is talking in ALL sincerity. I asked her, "Who told you all about Eve?" "My Momma...and it was that Adam too....."
When we got home, Steve had just got home from his fishing trip. She walked up to him and said, "Do you know what the devil looks like?" As Steve opens his mouth to tell her what he thinks, she says, "He's big, bald and red."
I just about fall in the floor and he looks at me and says, "I think she could possibly be describing ME!"
Oh my gosh we laughed....
How do we comfort those with broken hearts....no matter the age? How do we reassure our children that their Momma and Daddy will not leave...will not go to Jesus because it was their time.
We live in a world where there is so much hurt ... And the world doesn't know where to find its comfort...grace...strength.
The child of God's heart will last forever....
"We were made for more than just this life. We were made to spend an eternity in the company of our loving God...our Father.
"Our hearts know this is true. Even before we reached out to God our hearts whispered, 'there's more to this life than just this.' Don't try to drown out that whisper. The discontent and disillusionment we feel is not always born out of a selfish desire for the 'good life'. After all, your heart was made for the good life, a life of live that never ends. But so far we've only had a taste of that life...an appetizer of what is to come. Savor it. But listen to your heart....the best is yet to come.
"He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from the beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11 (Taken from our book, Amazing Things God thinks about us)
Thanks so much for doing this! It is a great way to communicate. We may have to have a tutorial though for those of us who are still into snail mail!
Congrats on the baby and give Angie my love!
Glad to help
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